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Welcome to Kristianstad University's digital forms
Digital forms will be posted here over time. The website is under construction. If you have any questions regarding the forms, you are welcome to contact us via telephone +46 44 250 31 00 or send an e-mail to
Select form:
Notification of withdrawal from programme of study
If you report a withdrawal from programme of study, your admission to the current programme will no longer apply. A notification of a withdrawal implies that you are not guaranteed to re-enroll if you wish to resume your studies at a later time in the programme.
Application for approved leave from studies
Approved leave from studies implies that you are not studying during a set of period but have the intention to resume your studies at a another specific term. If you uptain special reasons and can verify with a certificate, you can be granted approved leave from studies with a guarantee to resume your studies.
Application for deferment
If you have been accepted to a programme or course and can not start your studies, you can apply for a deferment of the start of your studies. If you have special reasons for a deferment that can be proven with a certificate, you can be granted a deferment. A decision to defer the start of studies means that you may start your studies at a later time, determined in the decision.
Change of examiner
According to Ch. 6 Section 22 of the Higher Education Ordinance gives a student, who has taken no less than two exams for a course or part of a course without a passing grade, the right to have another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons against it.
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